
Choux pastry

Makes 20 of the above little choux
125 ml of milk (2%)
50 grams unsalted butter
pinch of salt
pinch of sugar
90 grams of flour, sifted
2-3 eggs

Boil milk, butter, salt and sugar. Add all the flour at once.
Stir (wooden spoon) non stop until a ball forms that tears away from the sides. Take off the heat and cool. Put the paste in a bowl and stir in 1 egg, blend completely. Put the next egg in and blend completely and so on. THe dough is ready when its shinnz and smooth and easy to pipe.

Bake in preheated oven with steam 15-20 minutes at 425 F

I ended up filling the bottom choux with vanilla custard and the top one with strawberry custard. I dipped them in milk chocolate and pipped on white ganache.

1 comment:

jlee said...

how many of these can I fit into my mouth at once?